iDream Educational Services, Incorporated is a 501c3 non-profit organization that provides instruction in the areas of technology, education, leadership, and social emotional life skills for the unrepresented population in the Middle Georgia area. iDream Educational Services, Incorporated was founded in December 2016.
Previous projects include: iDream After School Program, iDream Computer Summer Camp, CPR Trainings, Spanish Speaking Courses, Entrepreneur Leadership Workshops and Women Business Cent$ Workshops.
Primary Focus: Technology, Education, and Life Skills

Targeted Audience: Nontraditional students, Senior Citizens, Working Professionals, Youth, & Minority Women
​​How to Help or Donate to the Cause?
iDream Educational Services, Incorporated is a nonprofit organization that you can either partner with us or sponsor one of our campers. All donations are tax deductible.
Highlights: iDream Computer Summer Camps are normally held in (June-July) annually
iDream Computer Summer Camps blends technology and educational learning activities into one experience. Sessions are normally 7 weeks long with a full day camp so campers can become part of a blended community while learning new technical skills. Our professional staff and volunteers have planned a fun-filled camp for energetic children excited about learning and participating in engaging activities.
iDream Computer Summer Camps offers Computer skills, Engineering, Cool Science Projects, Math, Reading, Creative Writing, Music, Martial Arts, Nutrition, Dentistry, Banking & Finances, social media, Table Etiquette & Social Graces, Field Trips, College Tours, Arts & Crafts, Sports Activities and much more. Where else can you get a full day educational, technology, and life skills camp with hands-on activities? iDream Coordinators, Instructors and Counselors are gearing up for an exciting summer. Check our websites for upcoming dates, fees and registration details for ages 8-16 years old.

Click the Registration Information below!

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